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Annihilation of the Rainforest articles One of earths most crucial resources are the rainforests that have been set so deliberately posit...

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Math Why Pi And Pie Are Not So Different - 1144 Words

MATH IS BEAUTIFUL Mouthwatering Math: Why Pi and Pie Are Not So Different Emilio Martinez Vanessa Migliozzi Group 566-15 Mr. De Luca January 15, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Page 3 The History of Cuisine Page 3 The Importance of Math in Cuisine Page 3 The Infinitude of Food Page 4 The Modification of Recipes Page 5 The Role of Ingredients Page 5 Conclusion Page 6 Bibilography Page 7 â€Å"E ating is a necessity, but cooking is an art†. As said by anonymous, the consumption of food is a basic and indispensable need of every living organism. However, the preparation of food is a daily task that can come to life. Cuisine is a form of art, a passion for some. Humans have nibbled, chewed and munched their way†¦show more content†¦Cooking is an integral part of all cultures; it’s what sets them apart yet brings them together. If â€Å"you are what you eat†, then gastronomy has not only helped humanity survive, it has defined it. Who knew something so beautiful could be related to math? In fact, math is vital to cooking. When following a recipe, ingredients are listed in specific quantities and if these measurements are not observed properly, the recipe will suddenly become unbalanced. This is because the original proportion will have been altered. A proportion, or ratio, is the relationship between quantities. Ingredients need to be measured with precision in order to ensure a flavourful outcome that does not compromise taste. A recipe is designed to produce a limited amount. Therefore, if a recipe yields too little, math is used to determine the ingredient measurements that correspond to the now larger recipe, while maintaining the original proportion. This is referred to as scaling. Math is also essential when converting measurements from one unit to another. In addition, time is a crucial element in the preparation of a dish that needs to be cooked. If it is cooked for a time other than what the recipe stipulates, the meal risks being under or overcooked. Another element that requires attention is temperature. Oven temperatures vary from recipe to recipe and there is no â€Å"standard temperature† that will accommodate them all. The world of cuisine is limitless, with an infinite number of

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